Monday, January 28, 2008


On Sunday afternoon we decided to get out of the house and see the movie Juno.  We liked it a LOT.    Dan was the one who actually suggested it and it didn't seem like the kind of movie he would pick out.  I hadn't heard too much about it(other than one of my 4th graders who went a week ago and loved it even though she said some parts were very inappropriate for her!) but Dan had read it was supposed to be good and it was.  It was a nice movie in the way Little Miss Sunshine was.  There were a lot of good laughs.  Besides being funny, there were some very touching moments and unpredictable twists in the plot.  
As we left, there were two 7th graders  from WCA with their mom.  It was the second viewing for one of the 7th graders.  I don't think I'd take anyone younger than that.  The opening scene shocks you a little at first but it doesn't go as far as you think(fear) it might.  If you have seen it or see it in the future would you come back here and leave a comment?  Nobody at school has seen it so it would be fun to hear what others think.


Shari said...

I want to see this movie. If it's still in Hibbing next weekend, I'll have to get there.

I watched "Away From Her" yesterday. Julie Christy won both a Golden Globe and SAG Award for her role in the movie. It was good, but hard to watch in that the subject matter was sad - Alzheimers Disease.

Anonymous said...

David and I went to the movie last night and we both loved it. It was really quite sweet. I also liked the unexpected twist. My favorite line was when Allison Janey (love her in everything she does) says she's going to get weimaruner (sp?) dogs and Juno replies, "dream big!" Go see it. It might be a good movie to take a 7th grader to because it would provide and opportunity for some "courageous conversation" about sex. Personally, as a 7th grader I would have been mortified to see it with my mom, but these are different times:)! Nancy

Anonymous said...

I saw it this afternoon and thought it was very good. I would not want to sit next to a 4th grader during this movie. In fact I sat completely alone during this movie. There was not one other person in the theater. There were cars in the parking lot, but only I chose Juno.


bigeyedchick said...

Hi Laurie. I realize this is a very old post, so I don't know if you still receive comments on it, but Anne and I watched this movie together last week and I too was surpised by the beginning (Anne was in the kitchen getting popcorn, so no awkward moment there). We both enjoyed it. I had forgotten it was supposed to be set in MN until they started mentioning places I knew!

~Laurel :)