Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Green Post #2

Here are some more green tips.  Isn't this a cute little frog?  I may have to use him again.
4.  We keep our heat set at 65 all the time but it feels more like 60 in this old house.  We also keep unused rooms closed and close the vents in those rooms.  The door in our entry that we never use is quite drafty so I took a bunch of plastic bags and forced them with a knife into the spaces where the cold air was coming in and it really helped.  Our windows aren't too bad considering their age.  We wear sweaters and keep lots of blankets in our coldest room-the TV room.
5. Here are some ways we conserve water; saving water from the dehumidifier for watering outdoor plants, collecting rain water off the garage in large tubs for watering, showers instead of baths, full dishwasher loads, full laundry loads, used dish water for indoor plants, and a big water saver is not flushing unless necessary.  You know the old saying, "If it's yellow..let it mellow..." Our toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush so that adds up.  

6.  We water our lawn from the lake but last year didn't even do that.  The lawn seems to do better when we just leave it alone.  It bugs me that people in the southwest waste all that water on a green lawn when they shouldn't even have grass.  Vegas is probably the worst offender.  
More later!  

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